Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Creating Time Series Measures

Steps to create Time series Measures

1)      Identify a time dimension and chronological keys.
2)      Create a measure by using the AGO function.
3)      Use a column with the AGO function to create additional measures
4)      Add new measures to the Presentation Layer.
5)      Test the result.

Identify a logical dimension as a Time dimension.
1)      Open a repository in offline mode. In the BMM layer, double-click the H1 Time logical dimension to open the Logical Dimension dialog box.

2)      In the Structure section, select Time.

Identify level key as a chronological keys.
1)      Expand the H1 Time logical dimension and double-click the Time Detail level to open the Logical Level dialog box.
2)      Click the Keys tab.

1)      Select chronological key check box..

2) create Measures on Ago function

Right-click the F1 Revenue logical table and select New Object > Logical Column.
On the General tab, name the column Month Ago Revenue.

3) On the Column Source tab, select "Derived from existing columns using an expression."

4) Open the Expression Builder.
5) Select Functions > Time Series Functions > Ago.

6) Double-click Ago or click Insert selected item to add the Ago function to the Expression Builder.
7) Click <<Measure>>in the expression.
8) Select Logical Tables > F1 Revenue and then double-click Revenue to add it to the expression.
9) Click <<Level>> in the expression.
10) Select Time Dimensions > H1 Time and then double-click Month to add it to the expression.

11) Click OK to close the Expression Builder. Check your work in the Logical Column dialog box:

12) Click OK to close the Logical Column dialog box. The Month Ago Revenue time series measure is added to the F1 Revenue logical table.

13) Drag the Month Ago Revenue logical column to the Base Facts presentation folder.

14) Use Fusion Middleware Control to load the repository.
15) Create Analysis by using Month ago Revenue logical column.
16) Test the result.

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