Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Create Variables using Administration tool

Steps to Create variables
1)      Open the Variable Manager.
2)      Create an initialization block.
3)      Edit the data source.
4)      Edit the data target.
5)      Test the initialization block query.
6)      Use the variable to determine content.
7)      Verify your work.

1)      Open the Variable Manager.

Manage > Variables

2)      Create an initialization block.

3)      New > Repository > Initialization Block

4)      Name it as current Period and click on Edit Data Source.

5)      Click the Edit Data Source button to open the Repository Variable Initialization Block Data Source dialog box.

6)      Click the Browse button to open the Select Connection Pool dialog box and double click on Connection pool object to select it.

7)      The connection pool is added.

8)     Enter the following SQL to determine the value of the current day, month, and year by finding the maximum value of the period key (BILL_DAY_DT) in the fact table:

9)      Click Test and confirm the expected results are returned. In this example, the results are determined by the data in the sample database used for this tutorial, which holds data through December 2010. Close the window.

10)   Create Variable

Click Edit Data Target to open the Repository Variable Initialization Block Variable Target dialog box.

11)   Use the New button to create three new variables: CurrentDay, CurrentMonth, CurrentYear. The order is important. Click OK to close the Repository Variable Initialization Block Variable Target dialog box.
12)   Leave the default refresh interval set to every hour. This means that the variables will be reinitialized every hour.

13)   Click the Test button and check the results. In this example, the results are determined by the data in the sample database used for this tutorial, which holds data through December 2010.

 Close the window.
14)   Check your work in the Variable Manager. Close the variable Manager and save the repository and check consistency.

15)   Test your work.

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