Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Setting up and administer Usage tracking

1)      Open the repository in offline mode.
2)      Right-click inside the Physical layer white space and select New Database to open the Database properties dialog box.
3)      Click the General tab and name the database ABC Usage Tracking.

4)      In the database drop-down list, sellect Oraccle/11g/Exadata.

1)      Click the connection pool tab.
2)      Click Add to open the connection pool dialog box.
3)      Name the connection pool ABC Usage tracking connection pool.
4)      Enter orcl for data source name.
5)      Enter username and password.
6)      Click OK.

1)      Click OK to close the Database properties dialog box.

1)      Right click the ABC usage Tracking database object and select New Object>Physical Schema.
2)      Name the physical schema ABC Tracking Schema.
3)      Click Ok.

1)      Right-click on ABC usage Tracking Connection Pool, select imprt Metadata, and import BISAMPLE.S_NQ_ACCT into ABC Usage Tracking. This creates a new BISAMPLE schema in Database.
2)      Copy the BISAMPLE schema in ABC usage tracking schema.

1)      Create Business Model
2)      Right click in the Business Model and mapping layer white space and select New Business Model.
3)      Name it as ABC Business Model and click OK.

1)      Right-click ABC Usage Tracking and select New Object > Logical Table
2)      Create one fact table and some dimension tables.
3)      Rename tables and columns and apply aggregation rule on fact logical columns.
4)      Create logical keys and Joins.

1)      Drag the ABC Usage Tracking business model in Presentation layer.

1)      Save the repository.
2)      Check consistency and mark ABC Usage tracking as available for queries.
3)      Close the repository.
4)      Modify the NQSConfig.ini file to support usage tracking.
5)      Navigate to
6)      Scroll to the Usage Tracking section.
7)      Set ENABLE = YES;
8)      Scroll past “Parameters used for writing data to a flat file” and ensure that DIRECT_INSERT = YES;
9)      In PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME parameter enter = “ABC Usage Tracking”.”ABC Usage Tracking Schema”.”S_NQ_ACCT”;
10)   Set CONNECTION_POOL = “ABC Usage Tracking”.”ABC Usage Tracking Connection Pool”;
11)   Save the NQSConfig.ini file.
12)   Load the repository by using fusion middleware control and restart the components.
13)   Create and run the analysis in the Sample sales subject area.
14)   Sign out and sign in from another user ID with password.
15)   Create and run the analysis using ABC usage tracking subject area.
16)   Check the result.

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