Tuesday, April 16, 2013

OBIEE Archiving and Un-archiving


Archiving is a way of zipping your catalog folders which consist of analysis, dashboards, KPI’s etc and copying them to another instance. For e.g from development to production.

Un archiving

Un Archiving is the process of unzipping the archived files in your catalog. The best example is: Moving catalog objects from one environment to another.

Going through the steps it will be much clearer.

Step 1

First select the folder which you want to archive. For this example, I have chosen Development Folder.
I created a new folder and named it as Development Folder and copied all necessary reports, analysis and dashboards into that folder. 

Step 2

Select the development folder and in the task box select archive to zip the files.

Select the keep permissions and the keep timestamps boxes if needed.
After clicking ok, It will ask you to save the file. Save the file in a desired location.

Step 3

Once the file is saved, you can un-archive it into any environment.

Again, go to the task box and select un-archive. Before un-archiving make sure where you want to save your folder in the catalog.

Browse the file which was archived and click ok.
Once you click ok, the folder will appear in where you want to save it.
Then you can open your reports, analysis, and dashboard in another environment or the same environment.

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