Multiple values in single column using union operator in the
advanced tab and using the operators in the selected column
For my example,
I am creating two analyses both with two columns
- Product – Brand and Base Facts - Revenue
- Product – Type and Base Facts- Revenue
Step 1
Step 2
- Then go to the advanced tab, under SQL Issued click on New analysis
- In the Analysis Simple SQL Statement join the two queries using the union operator.
Such as,
SELECT "Product"."Type"
saw_0, "Base Facts"."Revenue" saw_1 FROM "Sample
Sales" union SELECT "Sample
Sales"."Product"."Brand" s_1, "Sample
Sales"."Base Facts"."Revenue" s_2 FROM "Sample
Sales" ORDER BY saw_0
- Then click ok. You will see that Brand and type is joined into one column.
- The other way to join multiple values is using the option in the selected column pane.
- Click on the + sigh in the far right hand side.
- Now, In the Result Column, You will see two criteria’s
- In the first criteria Drag Product – Brand and Base Facts – Revenue
- In the second Criteria Drag Product – Type and Base Facts- Revenue